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Rabu, 30 Maret 2011

Creating the Perfect Pitch - Sound Advice by Airel Publicity

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Branding yourself both online and offline will really set this coming year to break in her musical career.

To do this, you must start with the most fundamental aspect of you as an artist: Your Pitch

Two things happened recently to inspire this article.

Scenario # 1: I was at the Mercury Lounge seeing music and between bands I was standing at the bar talking to some friends and someone gave me the flyer. I was immediately taken with him, I always appreciate anyone who is self-promotion, because it is not easy to do, and it especially easy to do at a crowded bar on Wednesday night in downtown Manhattan. So, I looked down at the flyer and my heart sank. He said the following:

artist name (the name is not mentioned to protect the innocent)
Venue (which Mercury, where I was)
Date and Showtime

There I was, perfectly prepared potential fan, customer, standing at the bar, and live music show, and he is lost forever. Why?

Since it was not included in the one sentence about this genre of music artists played much less what his music sounded like, who he compared to the (sound etc.). In other words, what could I expect by coming on his show. In short I had no idea what it sounded like an artist.

This is an opportunity lost completely. Unbeknown to him was also handed a flyer one of the most successful entertainment lawyer I know who was in the middle of signing 6 artists to record deals, A & R executive and one of the best booking agents in the business.

We all looked down at the flyers in our hands, shrugged and continued with the conversation we were having. He was totally blown it.

Scenario # 2: Another thing that happened was an artist called my PR company to talk about us employment for Cyber ​​PR campaign, and two minutes into the conversation started, my blood began to boil. It went something like this:

Me: What do you sound like


Author: I sound like nothing you've ever heard before


Me: (now annoyed and understand why he is not where he wants to be an artist) Really? So they invented a new genre of music and not sound like anyone else in the history of music?

Author: Yes

I: Can you at least say what kind of music you're playing


Artist: It'sis an old school hip -hop[ [/P >

the final OK, we were getting somewhere, and I totally understand his point, but here's the problem with his approach as:

People are constantly looking for context to put things in. And if you do not give them one, they will move to the next thing that their little pea brains can actually understand.

critical that is lacking in both scenarios: Pitch

So, you need a marketing pitch or call the USP (unique selling point), or, as my friend Bob Baker called him BIS (brand identity statement) or as my fellow mastermind group member Laura Allen calls it, a 15-second pitch. Call it what you want, this thing, my friend, will change the way you market yourself and your music and give to each context. It is extremely important to have a concise and easy to understand the pitch that will help you shape your brand. the rest of this article will help you to focus on creating perfet pitch.

It does not have to be lengthy to be effective, it is just to explain his sound in several words or sentences.

Here are some of my clients' land in order to jump start your brain:

Leftover Salmon - Cajun Polyethnic Slamgrass

John Taglieri! - If Vertical Horizon and Third Eye Blind got hit by a train

FIGO - Influenced by groups like Primal Scream, NIN, Misfits, Chemical Brothers, the Ramones, the band fuses intense raw live energy with pounding beats and samples


Devil Doll - Jessica Rabbit meets Joan Jett


Girls Do not Cry - all girl rock band featuring edgy guitar polished five-part vocals, retro synth sounds and dance grooves


Create Your Pitch

First, take a deep breath, clear your head and say that what you have to do is just like writing songs. You do not shoot the first thing that comes out (or at least I hope not, but that's a different conversation), it takes some grinding and some tweaking and possibly some cooperation.

Take a clean piece of paper and write down the following:

(I suggest writing this by hand with pen and paper instead of using the computer as different ideas flow through the pen)

1 to write the kind of genre you play. Roots, rock, reggae, folk, punk, jazz, AltCountry, Chillout etc. No more than two or three would actually be chosen at the end.

2 write down all the artists that other people say it sounds like.

3 Write a list of all the artists (or authors or famous people) who have influenced you.

4 Write down all the feelings and vibrations that you create or upload music to the

Using these elements as a guideline to help with a few words or sentences that amount to you.

Now, go to this fabulous website:

This will help you structure and hone your pitch and it will be way too much! (This site is more of a personal site, but the pitch structure that provides very useful)

now to write on a blank note card or small piece of paper your mission. Read aloud standing before the mirror. Do you love it? If not, then do not use it. I once worked with a band who chose the term "Soul Rock" to describe their sound and after it was released countless times, they hated him, to make sure that this is something you can deal with the press over and over again , and something that you will not get enough. Now I stand before the mirror and practice speaking. Do you feel comfortable to say, or do you feel like a dork? If you feel like you're speaking your truth, will absolutely know, and it is pitch perfect for you.

are still not sure?

Read it on a bunch of friends and supporters and ask them to work on it with you!

Do not overthink. Keep it simple and as brief as you can.

, where it has to Place Your Pitch

Now you have it, your going to place at the following locations.

What do you do now own brands.

Online Branding:

1 on your web page, web-site (to the home page, not buried in the village).
2 On your MySpace.
3 on Facebook.
4 In all social networking sites you use and wherever you have an online presence.

Online Branding:

1 on the cards.
2 On your show flyers.
3 on the billboards, and everything else you have in print.

So, now when you're out there somewhere, and you hand someone a flyer announcing your show, you're handing someone your brand. People will know exactly what you do, it will be an effective marketing instead of just spinning your wheels.

not sure if you hit the nail on the head? E-mail me your pitches, and I'll give you my honest feedback.

Good luck!

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