Indians Lesson in democracy: Rarely will one witness elementary student stand in front of his classmates and credit Native American influence in the founding ideals of our government or the constitution. Why would any student to do such, when our curriculum is clearly ignore historical truths Indian influences in order to protect our "comfort" in knowing our white ancestors and their incredible vision was born from the white experience and education, and certainly not the perception American Indian societies and ideals. After all, the categorization of Indian peoples in the Euro-American world was that the weaker and uneducated population, with nothing more to offer the young United States of lands, or so this is what most Americans today learn.
Yet, democratic governments are carryover from Europe, and nothing more than Greek hypothesized that our ancestors educated only read about it, in other words, a fairy tale. It was the Native American community, known as the Iroquois,which is is actually a condition of practicing model of democracy for Europeans looking for representation in government ,social power ,and equality .
"It would be a very strange thing if Six Nations of ignorant savages should be able to form t scheme for such a union and be able to perform in such a way as it subsisted for ages and appears indissoluble, and yet as union should be impractical for ten or twelve English colonies (1). "- Benjamin Franklin James Parker, 1751
.It was the Iroquois, which in the example of democracy at its greatest: democracy created before European contact, democracy with representation and voting systems, a democracy with checks and balances, which practices democracy, universal human rights and autonomy for all, including women, and even adopted the prisoners. Our ancestors look no further than their Indian neighbors to witness the civilized governments that responded to the needs of the colonists tired of the Monarchy.
"Our wise forefathers established union and friendship between the five nations." "We are a powerful Confederacy, and your watching the same methods our wise ancestors, you will gain a lot of power and might, therefore, whatever befalls you, do not fall out with each other (2)." -Canassatego (Iroquois spokesman for the settler delegates in Lancaster PA, 1744 .)
"... advice he gave thirty years of his wise forefathers, the Great Council which was held in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, when he spoke Canassatego us, white people ... ".... "Brethren, our forefathers rejoiced to hear Canassatego speak these words were sunk deep in our hearts That is good advice is the kind they said to one another Six Nations are wise people let us hear them, I take their advice, and teach our children that it followed ... (3) "Colonial Commissioner Iroquois leaders in Philadelphia, 1775th
In fact, Native American ways of life may also be partly responsible for the colonists desire independence from England. Almost no Euro-American witness to the forest of Indian society may withhold more rewarding lifestyle with freedom and equality, which is not enjoyed themselves under their current laws of white. This could be very likely the seeds of American independence, or at least the water that feeds the movement.
"I am confident that the Indian companies enjoy in their general mass of infinitely greater degree of happiness than those who live under European governments (4)." - Thomas Jefferson Edward Carrington, 1787
.100 Congression, 1 session
S. Con. Res.76
In the United States Senate
16th September 1987
Concurrent Resolution
to acknowledge the contribution of the Iroquois Confederation of Nations for the development of the United States Constitution ..."
with respect to the original framers of the Constitution, including most notably, George Washington and Benjamin Franklin, are known to have greatly admired the concepts, principles and practices of the state of the Six Nations Iroquois Confederacy ..."< / P] ]
with respect to the Confederation of the original thirteen colonies into a republic is explicitly modeled on the Iroquois Confederacy and many of the democratic principles that are enshrined in the constitution I;..."
Resolved by the Senate (the House of Representatives concurring) Da-1) Congress, the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the United States Constitution, which recognizes the historical debt of the United States owes to the Iroquois Confederacy and other Indian Nations for their demonstration of enlightened, democratic government ... "
(From the Indian roots of American democracy has released the Northeast Indian Quarterly, 1988, pages 74-75)
(From the Indian roots of American democracy has released the Northeast Indian Quarterly, 1988, pages 74-75) ...
our native mother owned - their home and furnishing, and her garden produce. It controls the food supply. Its assets were to do with as she pleased, and the male body is not supposed to receive property or dispose of it. She had the right to vote and be represented in the government it is a female council and elect a spokesperson. She had a right to seek war or peace, in order to voice their opinion as any man would under the same conditions, and will never be Disrespected in any way, as a woman was worthy in itself. She had a right to divorce, and she knew her children would never be taken away from her. She was a person with individual rights, and was never owned by her father or husband, or a "thing". be owned and transactions. Native women were full citizens with protected freedoms as any man. The rights of most Native women in the Northeast were all unknown to Euro-American women in the same period, only the fuel to drive supporters of women's rights and gives them a basis to argue the current women's issues.
Illustrating the History: The Indian woman gives her horse Away - Indian "woman as an independent in the use of her property as the most independent man in our midst, if she chooses to give or sell all its assets., there is nobody to her belie ... When I was living with the Indians, my hostess ... one days gave a very fine horse. I was surprised because I knew that there was no family talk about this issue, so I asked: "Will your husband like that they give away a horse, "Her eyes danced, and, breaking into a peal of laughter, she hastened to tell the story of the other women gathered in a tent, and I became a target merry eyes. I tried to explain how white women will act But laughter and scorn met my explanation of the white man to keep his wife on the property (6). "
-Alice Fletcher, recounting the observations of the International Council of Women in 1888.
is still the only property rights and representation in government, the important fact is that these Indian women had equal status and human rights, a reflection of the social relationship between women and women's field, which is obviously very positive uNative worldview. It was just pointed out shortcomings of so-called "equality" based on American society, including the U.S. marked the treatment of women by men, or lack of laws protecting women from attack and abuse, especially in their own household.
We almost do not see physical abuse and other forms of violation of Indian women Indian men before European influence. According to indigenous peoples, misogyny (hatred of women) was more than rare, it was almost nonexistent. Thought about what white men were able to get away from the white women, and the fact that those who would abuse a woman in the beginning, it was absolutely terrifying for Native men and women, and became the reason for some native populations rejected both Westernization and the introduction of Christianity, which are associated with this behavior. However, most could not put off long enough, and the Indian people fell victim to white "gender hierarchy" and the forests of Indian women began to lose their status of equality in many historical periods.
"... my wife, those to whom we owe all that is there for them to see anything as a woman;? have mercy on my wife when all is taken of them (7). "-an Indian Man Alice Fletcher, in relation to Indian women the loss of their livelihoods and status
Proposal of books and further reading:
Iroquois Women: An Anthology
Parker on the Iroquois: Constitution of the five nations
Iroquois Culture & Commentary
Indian roots of American democracy
Forgotten Founders: Benjamin Franklin, the Iroquois and the rationale for the American Revolution
Direct quotes in this article:
(1) Johansen, Bruce. Forgotten Founders: Benjamin Franklin, the Iroquois and the rationale for the American Revolution. 1982, p. 56th
(2) Barreiro, Jose, the Indian roots of American democracy, the article: "Indian thought was often in their minds." Bruce Johansen, 1988, p. 41st
(3) Ibid p. 42
(4) Ibid p. 42
(5) Spittal, W. G. Iroquois Women: An Anthology. Article: "The root of oppression, loss of memory. Iroquois and the Early Feminist Vision" Sally Roesch Wagner, Ph.D. 1996, pp 225th
(6) ibid p. 225
(7) ibid p. 225
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